Email Migration

Email Migration

Stay connected, leveraging the full power of your email.

We rely on email to stay in touch with clients, pass information and files, keep organized, and simply to get the job done everyday.

Email can hog huge amounts of digital space. It can quickly weigh down a local server, taxing resources that could be used to power your business.

At Red-Tail, we believe email is best stored by industry titans. Storing your email in a cloud system like Microsoft Office 365 or Google G-Suite means that your email is protected and supported with world class servers at Microsoft or Google at the best value. These systems allow for easy on-the-go access from any device, without relying on your own server hardware.

Red-Tail makes email migration from Microsoft Exchange to cloud based systems easy. We guide all of your email accounts from your local system to the Microsoft or Google cloud, minimizing data loss or corruption.

Call us today for an appointment:  603-734-9131